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Biblical Soul Care Counseling

Our biblical soul care counseling service provides spiritual, emotional, and psychological support, integrating faith with personal development to help individuals navigate life’s challenges with resilience and hope.

Our Mission

To nurture the Whole Person with Faith, Compassion, and Practical Wisdom.

My Role:

  • I hold a Doctor of Ministry (DMin), which equips me with advanced spiritual and pastoral care knowledge and skills. My education includes extensive training in theology, pastoral counseling, and the integration of faith and psychology. 
  • As a biblical counselor, I offer biblical soul care counseling through Camp2020. Inspired by the whole-person living model, this approach focuses on nurturing individuals’ physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, and relational aspects. Our holistic well-being dashboard model was developed around the evidence-based practice of the Biopsychosocial-spiritual model.
  • Nonprofit Ministry Context: My counseling services are offered as part of a nonprofit religious organization in compliance with Texas law. This law allows pastoral counselors to provide guidance and support within their ministry roles without requiring a state counseling license.

Credentials and Services

Credentials and Services: Doctor of Ministry (DMin.): This advanced degree emphasizes practical ministry and pastoral care, allowing me to provide faith-based counseling and support Biblical Soul Care Counseling Services. Through Camp2020, I offer counseling services that address individuals’ holistic needs, promoting balance and well-being across all dimensions of life.

Areas of Services


Biblical Foundation
Grounding care and cure in Scripture, recognizing that God designed humans as integrated beings (body, soul, and spirit). Passages like Genesis 2:7, which describe God breathing life into humanity, highlight the intrinsic connection between human existence's spiritual and physical aspects.
Whole Person Living Framework
This framework emphasizes that care for the soul must consider all five dimensions-physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, and relational since each dimension influences the other. This approach fosters an understanding that spiritual well-being is intertwined with physical health, emotional stability, psychological resilience, and relational harmony.
Intrapersonal Healing and Growth
Focusing on the soul’s healing begins with intrapersonal work-understanding oneself deeply, addressing inner wounds, and cultivating a Christ-like character. This inner growth impacts one's external relationships and overall well-being.
Integration of Spiritual and Psychological Care
Soul care is a blend of spiritual disciplines (prayer, Scripture meditation, confession) and psychological practices (self-awareness, social awareness, self-regulation). This dual approach recognizes that healing often requires addressing spiritual roots and psychological patterns.
Role of Community and Relational Support
Understanding that relational dynamics significantly impact the soul’s health, care includes fostering authentic, supportive relationships where individuals can experience grace, accountability, and encouragement.
Holistic Healing Practices
Incorporating practices like rest, proper nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness that nurture the body, thus indirectly supporting the soul. Recognizing the psychosomatic nature of many ailments, caring for the body becomes vital to soul care.
Consistent Rebalancing
Emphasizing the need for regular self-examination and recalibration of the five dimensions, ensuring that no single aspect is neglected. This consistency in rebalancing is critical to maintaining a healthy soul.

Book a Session

Soul Coaching
Engage in personalized one-on-one sessions where your unique challenges are met with understanding, wisdom, and a Christian perspective, reminding you of God’s constant presence and love.
Failure To Thrive (FTT)
FFT is a holistic approach to addressing the underlying spiritual, emotional, psychological, relational, and physical factors that contribute to a person feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or unable to grow in their personal or spiritual life.
Vocational Calling
This service helps individuals discern and embrace their God-given purpose in work and life, equipping them to live out purpose and confidence in their jobs.
Life Transitions
We aim to provide spiritual and emotional support, equipping you with the faith and resilience to navigate transitions with hope, purpose, and a renewed sense of direction.
Teen well-being
The Focus is on emotional, psychological, spiritual, and relational health. We provide a safe space for teens to explore their identity, manage stress, build resilience, and grow in their faith.
Family Counseling
God-blessed relationships sometimes face storms. Let’s navigate them together, rebuilding and strengthening our bond with God’s teachings at the core.
Family Care
Service rooted in biblical principles that offers guidance through life’s challenges, helping families cultivate stronger bonds, resolve conflicts, and deepen their connection with God and one another
Marital and pre-marital
This service utilizes Prepare and Equip to support couples in building strong, Christ-centered marriages.
Adult Life Issues
This service addresses the complex challenges adults face, including stress, anxiety, relational conflicts, career pressures, and spiritual struggles. We aim to equip you with the tools to navigate adult life with resilience, faith, and a more profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.
This service focuses on helping individuals and couples build healthier, more fulfilling relationships through biblically grounded guidance and practical tools
This service provides emotional and spiritual support to caregivers navigating the demanding responsibilities of caring for loved ones. We help caregivers prioritize their well-being, maintain healthy boundaries, and sustain their caregiving journey with resilience, grace, and a sense of purpose rooted in faith.

Better yet, see us in person!

We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.

Biblical Soul Care Counseling
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